
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At Tundra Tabloids:

Recently the hate crimes in Malmö and Skåne County have come under increased surveillance as the numbers have doubled since last year. According to the Swedish daily newspaper Expressen, "During the year of 2009, 270 hate crimes were reported in Skåne County and about 25 percent of these were aimed towards Jews."

One of those exposed to anti-Semitic hate crime is Rabbi Shneur Kesselman of the Malmö Jewish community. He states in an interview with Expressen on March 5th that "ever since I came here people have been shouting 'fucking Jew' and 'heil Hitler' at me."

What is worth noting about Rabbi Kesselman's statement in Expressen is that out of the 65 incidents in 2009, according to the Skåne police, three of these incidents were directed at Kesselman. Yet according to Kesselman, 15 separate reports were filed concerning anti-Semitic hate crimes aimed towards him. The worst incident involved someone trying to run him over with a car. Apparently, the authorities have a different method for calculating these figures, as the full number of incidents does not appear in the Skåne police statistics...

Yeah, things are bad. [More.]


Tell-tale indicators, fissures in the foundations growing into still larger cracks; everywhere in Europe, save Finland. Not good.

Things are going south very quickly in Europe. The Netherlands elected the latest Holocaust hate monger, Geert Wilders. I am advising everyone who is Jewish to bug out ASAP.

Ari :-(

Geert Wilders is a Holocaust hate monger?

Any expression of European nationalism is going to be seen in a poor light by most Jews, Solomon.

Its just the way it is, Geert Wilders might as well be a Holocaust Denier, because he is making a defense of Dutch culture and values, against "the other."

Would it be too much to ask for a substantiation, preferably via direct quotes, of the Geert Wilders charges? I've read literally nothing about him for perhaps a year or more, am open to substantiated persuasion, but it would be nice to see it substantiated.

And I understand the concern with excessive nationalism, the ghettos in Poland, Romania, Ukraine, etc., etc. Otoh, nationalism per se, absent any freighted connotations, can reflect nothing more than a perfectly warranted sovereignty.

...gee, other than the fact that lived in Israel for several years as a youth and is probably the strongest non-Jewish supporter of Israel on the Continent, seems to contradict the allegation...

Btw, no one less than a Buber makes positive mention of nationalism, again; in an unfreighted sense, certainly.


Re your question in #3.
That's the way the news makes its way I suppose like "John has a brown dog" and by word of mouth gets back to him that he is a dirty dog.

There has been so much distortion of the facts about Wilders that it is no wonder that some of it comes out completely distorted.

Even Glen Beck puts out the wrong message

Beck, Krauthammer and the Geert Wilders perplex

For the record, I largely agree with Roger Simon's comments and Mirongoff's commentary therein, if not necessarily with Simon's analysis of Krauthammer's "projections" (perhaps, perhaps not, I more simply suspect Krauthammer is attempting to be judicious and reasonable and, for my taste, goes overboard). Too, the following graph is worth emphasis:

"Wilders – living much closer to the fault line in Amsterdam, the city of Theo Van Gogh’s and Pim Fortuyn’s murders, than we do in Washington or L. A. – feels the confrontation in a more visceral manner on a daily basis. Indeed, much of the Dutch public seems to as well, since, according to a recent Reuters report, Wilders’ Freedom Party leads the pack in their forthcoming parliamentary elections, leaving Wilders with the bizarre possibility of being elected Prime Minister while being convicted of “hate speech.”"

Likewise, unlike with the Muslim population in the U.S., Muslims (and attending demographic issues) is an immigrant population coming directly from No. Africa and the M.E., and is more radicalized when they arrive. Further, due to a more pronounced and deeply entrenched "multi-culti" ideology in Europe, that same population is less prone to integration within European centers, and is similarly more prone to becoming even more radicalized. That's a long and involved story, but that serves as the gloss.

I also, however, agree with Simon that Krauthammer is something of the sine qua non among the professional commentariat, but that doesn't suggest he's faultless.

Regardless, agree or disagree and bare minimum, Wilders is helping to forward a conversation and debate that absolutely needs to take place.

(And good grief, coming back here I love my earlier sentence construction!)

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