Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Since this blog was mentioned in Kerry Hurwitz's letter to the Newton Tab (online at Wicked Local), I've placed the links to the information on the issues discussed in this one convenient post. There are many other postings that involve Code Pink and other of the individuals and groups involved than posted here, but this should have most of what you need to understand the issues.
Kerry's op-ed, now causing such a stir on the letters page, is posted here: Newton's Other Terrorism Connection
The original post talking about the then upcoming march through Brookline is here: Sticking It To The Jews in Brookline: March and Counter-March This Saturday. Don't miss the comments.
After the march, there is a description and discussion here: What's Become of the Jewish-Zionist Press? Part Deux.
Then here: In response to Code Pink. Again, there is an extensive comment thread.
For posts on Code Pink's actual Gaza Freedom March, you can see these links: Church Hall of Shame: St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Central Square, Cambridge (Protest Report), Egypt Blocking the Gaza 'Freedom' March, Egypt Caves, Partially, On Gaza Group, Pausing to take a life, and Israeli Lefty: Of Course Hamas Controlled And Directed Code Pink's Gaza Freedom March.
On January 13, Code Pink organized a protest at the Israeli Consulate: Anatomy of a Protest - Part 1 (Updated with Photos) and Anatomy of a Protest - Part 2.
Here are some pictures from that march (from Part 1, above):
Tom Arabia in pink pants. David Rolde holding sign.
Skip Schiel
Amy Hendrickson (yellow jacket with sign), Ian Chinich (Jews for Human Rights sign).
The red hand you see on the posters is directly reminiscent of the red hands used by Hamas kindergartners in a graduation ceremony recalling the lynching of two Israeli soldiers. See here:
...a 2002 kindergarten graduation by a Hamas charitable organization in Gaza featured 1,600 children carrying pretend rifles and a 5-year-old girl on stage reenacting the murder of two Israelis in Ramallah, according to the Israeli newspaper Maariv. The child dipped her hands in red paint and raised them aloft, mimicking hands the Palestinians dipped in the blood of murdered Israelis and proudly raised in victory to a mob after the notorious October 2000 killings...
...and here (about the actual lynching) to understand the horror behind the symbol and just how absurd it is for a "peace" group to display such a thing.
Finally, concerning the Newton house party that Kerry wrote about: Last Night in Newton, MA: House Party for Hamas' Gaza
Thanks for visiting. Come back soon.
Update: Marilyn Levin is one of the "smash Israel" activists who write in on the same letters page as Kerry. She wants to make sure that her own group United for Justice with Peace (UJP) gets the credit for the Gaza Freedom March, not Code Pink. She claims, "Our efforts are not aimed at obliterating Israel." Yet, as if Levin's history of activism weren't enough, this bit from an address Levin made to a rally on October 17, 2009 puts the lie to that:
...We're here to agitate, not wait. When Washington talks of expanding war, not ending war, how can we not be out on the streets? When Washington spends trillions for war and bailouts, (not jobs and healthcare), we must march. When Washington rains cluster bombs on children, we must march. When Washington backs 60 years of occupation and the siege of Gaza, we must march. When our soldiers die or come home wounded in body, mind, and spirit, we must march...
Do the math. When people talk about 60 years of occupation, they're not criticizing Israeli actions, they're criticizing Israel's existence.
Also, I forgot to link to my posts on the group's First Night (New Year's Eve) activities: Gaza's Hamas Solidarity Brigades -- A Disaster From Egypt to Boston and More on the Boston First Night Hamas Marchers. Remember this lovely sign?
ETERNAL NAKBA for al qada, HAMass, hezbullhah, islamofascist regime of iran, pal-e-SWINE and their "progressively euro fascist" supporters.
Mr. [snip] Solomon, you sure have an awful lot of time on your hands to post about other people. Here I thought you claim to be a business man and all. I don't know what business you run except for your blog - maybe life on [snip] keeps you busy enough - but I don't know. Give [snip] our love, hugs and kisses.
Oh my deepest apologies Mr. Solomon - I did not realize you would be so offended by having your information mentioned here. After all, you seem to have no hesitation about posting personal information about other people, so I thought it would be okay with you. Well, too bad google already picked up your full name before you could take out your snippers.
So sorry. I still love your site though.
LIEla, you sound like greta berlins ugly sister.
LIEla, my sincere apologies, you look like greta berlins ugly TWIN sister.
"F" "F" Pal-e-SWINE!