
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Serpahic Secret:

The Jewish Vote Does Not Exist, And What to do About it

Michael Fenenbock, formerly a Democrat political consultant and activist, writes knowledgably about the current "hammer the Jews" policy of the Obama administration.

Jewish demographics dictate that there is no meaningful Jewish vote, thus Jews who oppose Obama's hostile policies to Israel should align themselves with larger groups who have political clout.

Obviously, this is the Republican party, the Tea party movement, and the millions of pious, pro-Zionist Christians.

Let's roll Michael's short video and then read his article. It brims with astute analysis and offers real world solutions.

After Michael's article, I offer some thoughts on the Iranian nuclear program, which is the major existential issue facing Israel and the civilized world...

Read Fenenbock and Avrech's comments, here.

1 Comment

Sorry, but Jews were scrubbed from Obama's latest plea to get out the vote. The cat is out of the bag I guess...

Video on the link...

"Ben Smith at Politico goes with a less-provocative description of “unusual demographic frankness” in describing this effort from the DNC to get the troops rallied for the midterm elections"

“young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 [to] stand together once again.” --- Barrack Hussein Obama

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