Thursday, April 15, 2010
A reader sends in the following pack of photos from yesterday's event with Sarah Palin (sorry, no photos of Sarah) down at the Boston Common. The photographer is a gay woman who seemed not at all hostile to the event but managed to stay only long enough to get a sense of the crowd. 'It was peaceful and upbeat. There were no racist signs or people yelling racist things.'" It looks like the most offensive signs were those being held by the counter-demonstrators, trying to be clever (the last two in the series).
This guy was walking around shouting, "I'm really mad...I don't know what I'm mad about but I'm going to yell...I'm going to yell real loud...!"
That little girl in the first pic, is a budding Leni Riefenstahl. A little proto-fascist.
Huh? Leni Riefenstahl was a masterful propagandist, but she stood behind the camera, not in front of it.