Sunday, May 16, 2010
Ben Ami: Delusions of Grandeur and Janus-Faced All at the Same Time
Jeremy Ben Ami, the Little Corporal of Israel-hating Jews, is throwing a temper tantrum over an ad recently published by The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. He presumes to issue ultimatums to Jewish organizations that have been on the front lines for decades in defending Israel against very real existential threats, none greater than the present Iranian nuclear one. He doesn't have much to fear because he has a bodyguard, Barak Hussein Obama (along with a few other heavies like George Soros) waiting around the corner to back him up.
For the moment, Ben Ami is full of himself, confidant that his bodyguard will continue to put relentless pressure on the Jews while giving a pass to the Arabs in spite of their relentless incitement, illegal building and constant threats of annihilation. J Street has been unmasked countless times as an anti-Israel stand-in for Obama and Pro-Palestinian groups like The New Israel Fund , has just published an open letter to Alan Solow, Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.
That letter was in response to an eloquent, historically accurate rendering of the Jewish People's 3000 year connection to Jerusalem. Signed by Yossi Sarid, former head of the now totally marginalized Meretz Party, the letter is a shameful scolding of Elie Wiesel.. Mr. Wiesel, the Nobel Laureate, world renowned scholar and lecturer, according to J Street, is an enemy of peace, unwilling to give Palestinian Arabs everything they demand. Shmuley Boteach has some brilliant comments on Ben Ami's shot-in-the-foot move.
Endlessly and shamelessly invoking the name of Yitzhak Rabin, J Street exploits the assassinated Prime Minister for its own misguided agenda. Had Rabin lived through the Arab pogroms that engulfed Israel throughout the ill conceived Oslo Process, he might have a had a less roseate view than the Little Corporal's.
But now the pipsqueak goes even further. Not content with funding groups and individuals who clearly yearn for the demise of the Jewish State, he is now upping the ante by not only demanding that Israel cede half of its ancient capital, but that she also give in to the state-destroying demand of the cynically phrased "right of return" for 4 million Arabs:
- "Finally, if these Arab villages are to remain part of Israel - are you supporting granting Israeli citizenship to the Palestinians who live there and who don't have it now? If so, how can you reconcile such an enormous exception with otherwise unquestioning opposition to providing citizenship to other Palestinians, for instance in the context of addressing the "right of return" in a final status agreement?"
How many more masks does J Street have left to be pulled off? And will the Jewish American community have the guts to expose this charlatan and his real plan?
Were there an Irish American "Peace" group that demanded that Britain be reinstated as ruler of Ireland or an African American group that advocated a return to Apartheid in South Africa, I shudder to think of the what fate would be in store for them. But for many American Jews of the Left whose real dual loyalty lies in this simple choice - allegiance to Obama or a commitment to the survival of Israel - there is no choice: Obama is their messiah and Israel is a liability to their domestic political agenda.
Ben Ami's ultimatum to the Conference of Presidents reeks of threats of retaliation by his bodyguard in the Oval Office. After all, the central call of J Street since its inception has been, "We've Got Your Back, Mr. President". Clearly, the reward for blind loyalty to the messiah is a reciprocal gesture towards Israel, namely, imposing a "solution" on the recalcitrant Jews, just what J Street wants. No demand is too great, no imposition too outrageous for J Street to back or to propose. Just witness the hypocrisy of J Street's recent high level meeting with that icon of democratic rule, King Abdullah of Jordan. J Street is so consumed by injustice to Palestinians that it remained utterly silent over the stripping of citizenship from 3000 Palestinians by the Kingdom of Jordan. Rip- there goes another mask.
Fortunately, Bibi is hanging tough, Mitchell is encountering the same maximalist demands of the Arabs that stymied his many predecessors and through J Street's unmasking, more and more Americans are waking up to a group that represents the most dangerous threat to the survival of the Jewish State since its reestablishment in 1948. Not even George Marshall and the Arabists of the State Department could have done a better job.
[Crossposted from JStreetJive.]