
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rabbi Nessenoff has re-released his video of Helen Thomas with the fuller context of the remarks. It doesn't make Thomas look any better:

Via Yid with Lid.

Update: Well, this is interesting: Cal Thomas column on Helen Thomas spiked. I wonder how many consumers of the MSM, like Boston Globe readers, are only now finding out there was any controversy involving Thomas now that she's retired.


Helen. You're an occupier (W H pressroom). Go back to Lebanon where you came from.

I think it would be very difficult to make her look better. More rouge ain't gonna cut it.

I am always amazed, though at this point I shouldn't be, how effortlessly insane Nazi rhetoric rolls off the tongue. May Helen spend eternity sexually serving beasts in hell.

but what happened to the freedom of speech? she is not entitled to give her opinion? with such live experience, i am sure she knows what she is talking about , and surely she knows the facts... so why shut her up? if fact she got me thinking now, and making some more research about that subject.

That's not the point. She is a journalist, a famous public figure and theoretically at least, professionally objective - and as such has a higher level of responsibility than the average citizen.

So, professionally, there's a price to be paid for hate speech and that's precisely what this was.

Beyond that "freedom of speech" isn't an absolute - there is responsibility attached and, think of the "fire in a crowded theatre" analogy.

And speaking of "live experience" - Helen Thomas is old enough to have lived through the Holocaust.

For G*d's sake her comment couldn't have been uglier.

Plus, she's kind of forgetting that the majority of Israelis were born there and/or are descendants of Middle Eastern Jews who were evicted from Arab cities or who fled places like Iran and Afghanistan.

Perhaps they should go back? So they can be beaten up some more?

Hi ... Helen

You spoke what you had to spoke in years.

Why do you regret. .

The job well done.

Let them go to the history now

Its like calling for white people to leave South Africa. Excepting that, no one would be forced to resign for espousing that view.

Or this sign...with regards to white Euros in the United States...

EV, the analogy isn't at all apt.

For one thing, white people didn't originate in South Africa; secondly, people (except each other) weren't trying to wipe them out in Europe.

Finally though - there's a huge difference between Israel and apartheid South Africa; nevertheless even after apartheid there was reconciliation; I don't recall any kind of hatred toward white people like there's been toward Jews (and still is apparently.)

Sophia, no analogy is perfect, but it is apt.

All people originated from Africa, at least that is the leading theory.

Secondly, people were trying to wipe them out in Europe. I suggest you study migration patterns and also Islamic attempted invasions (not to mention the current invasion by Muslims).

"nevertheless even after apartheid there was reconciliation; I don't recall any kind of hatred toward white people like there's been toward Jews (and still is apparently.)"

You are ill informed. Check out level of crime and murder against whites in South Africa, including the 3000 farm executions. ANC Youth leader leading chants of "kill the Boer" and the general level of hostility towards whites equality before the law, and property rights.

Im sure in your mind, those whites deserve it. Just as in most Western Leftists minds, Israeli Jews are responsible for the violence, hatred, and villification of same.

White South African place names are being erased off the maps and highway signs, down there, Sophia.

Think of it, like if the Palestinians were graanted the Right of Return, and then they discriminated against Jewish Israelis, a campaign of brutal torturing murders was carried out against Israeli Jewish farmers, and Jewish names of towns and places were officially erased off of maps and road signs. That is what is happening in South Africa, but according to you. Nothing to see there...or they deserve it. Its no different than how other Leftists see Israeli Jews.

EV, Israel and South Africa are not analogous. Sorry but this won't fly - from the white side any more than from the "Zionism = Racism" side.

That said - I think there is a story to be told about South Africa.

But, once apartheid was vanquished everybody sort of forgot about South Africa.

People should read about what's happening there, but alas, it's no longer fashionable now that the "cause" is over.

There are a lot of problems there but nobody is paying attention.

So, you're right on that score.

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