Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Partners in Shame
Only the Boston Jewish Community Relations Council could conceive an event honoring Stephen Lynch, Democratic Congressman representing a melange of rough and tumble blue collar voters along with upscale suburbanites. Aside from the obvious in-their-pocket J Street politicians like Keith Ellison, Donna Edwards and Maurice Hinchey, Lynch is probably the most squishy congressman on the terrorist threat to Israel.
Recently, Lynch has become so extreme on the subject of Gaza, that he has laid virtually all the blame on Israel for the (phony) "humanitarian" crisis culminating in the Gaza flotilla incident three weeks ago. As a preface to his skewed view of the Gaza situation , he - along with 2 other Massachusetts congressmen - was one of only 36 nay votes that refused to condemn the incredibly biased UN Goldstone Report.
On the subject of Israel defense funding, however, he scores relatively high marks. Anyone representing heavily Jewish Needham, would be unelectable were he to oppose defense aid to Israel. The only congressmen consistently voting against funding for Israel are the usual suspects: John Conyers (representing Dearbornistan, Michigan), Dennis Kucinich (who never saw an Islamic terrorist he couldn't "understand"), the ever bizarre Ron Paul, and California's Pete Stark (representing San Francisco's east bay - enough said?
And so, onto the bimah of Temple Beth Shalom in Needham strode Congressman Lynch sponsored by the JCRC of Greater Boston with its Director, Nancy Kaufman, seated prominently next to him. Lynch has also refused to add his signature to the Poe-Peters letter affirming Israel's right of self defense in the wake of the Gaza blockade incident. To date, 315 members of Congress have signed the letter.
Watch the video of Congressman Lynch press the Palestinian position, blaming the violence that ensued following the flotilla interdiction solely on the Israelis.
He then joins the international chorus by insisting on an "investigation." Of course, he does not demand an international commission to investigate the Turkish and IHH role in preparing their Shaheeds for martyrdom. The Q & A portion is audio only (apologies), but suffice it to say that, in spite of the sponsorship of J Street/JCRC, among others, there was significant pushback from the audience, to their credit.
Regarding the question about prosecuting U.S. citizens who participate in "humanitarian" missions to Gaza (aid - in virtually any form - to terrorist groups is a felony and was affirmed by a recent Supreme Court decision), Lynch chose not to reply.
To this point, in attendance was Jeff Klein, who, in his own words, has "left the Jewish race to join the humans". He urged Lynch to cease all aid to Israel and is currently spearheading a "Jewish" boat project from Boston to Gaza to break the blockade and make it possible to ship any and all goods into the Hamas weapons depot. Klein may be an extreme case, but the roots of betrayal intertwine at J Street and it would seem, now among Jews in leadership positions. Boston is now vying for number one with San Francisco as one of the worst examples of Jewish steadfastness and honesty.
[Crossposted from JStreetJive.]
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Here is the video of the program discussed in the first item of this post: Arab Childrens' Education: Hate Everyone (Especially Jews). It wasn't with the story originally and must be seen to be believed (h/t: Will Spotts, who asked,... Read More
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Although there are a few good people at JCRC, and they occasionally do something worthwhile, overall, I wish that they would try to become more like JCRC New York. I've been on New York JCRC's mailing list for the last month, and have been regularly getting things such as a petition to the US State Department that they started which successfully kept the problem group behind the Gaza Flotilla from getting visas to enter the US/New York for a speaking tour, others about their strong sponsorship of a big pro-Israel parade, etc. Check out their website sometime, definitely different than the overly politically correct, balanced, partisan, Boston JCRC.
Keith Lepor of West Roxbury is running against Lynch. Since Lepor formerly worked as a photojournalist in Afghanistan, the War on Terror (for want of a better term) is of extreme interest to him. He should be connected with those critics of Lynch.