
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just a little reminder on that original Pallywood production from Richard Landes:

Last January, Info-live interviewed Nidra and me about the al Durah case. I never heard back about the final product, but here it is. Nidra's remarks about the crucial element of accusation of intention and its functioning in the blood libel are especially important.

1 Comment

Hmmm. There must be some mistake. This video isn't the January interview. InfoLive posted this video over two and a half years ago in September, '07. It was uploaded to the infolivetvenglish channel on YouTube on New Year's Day. It ends with "To be continued..." Nappy doesn't doubt they meant to post a Part 2 someday but just can't find it anywhere.

There's more salt and less pepper in Landes' beard these days.

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