Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Alan Dershowitz has published a blistering indictment of J Street's MacCarthyite tactics on The Hudson Institute's website. As we noted earlier, the latest J Street television/internet ad is designed to divide Americans and the American Jewish community by imputing sinister motives to liberal, Zionist voices like Dershowitz's.
Meanwhile, J Street's ongoing campaign to convince the Treasury Department to investigate Jewish American charities has produced the desired results: Yousef Munayyer, a Palestinian writer and militant has published an article in Foreign Policy Magazine entitled, "Time to Crack Down on Settlement Funding." Munayyer is no stranger to hyperbole and outright falsehood. A frequent contributor to FP Magazine and The Guardian, he advocates the stealth, "one state" solution (i.e. the "no state" solution for Israel). Ergo, a perfect match for J Street.
Yousef Munayyer
Munayyer claims that
"Ever since the Israeli occupation began in 1967, the United States has held that the transfer of Israel's civilian population into those territories is illegal and contrary to the Fourth Geneva Convention, an agreement that both Israel and the United States are party to."
Of course, the Reagan doctrine on settlements refutes his statement as do the policies of all Presidents since Reagan. From time to time, Presidents like George H.W. Bush considered expanding settlements "obstacles", but no President has gone so far as to pursue their "illegality" under the Geneva Convention. Moreover, the various agreements between Israel and the Palestinians - with the exception of the "Roadmap" which stipulates "settlement outposts" and "settlement freeze" - specifically do not include "settlement" language.
As to the legality of settlements, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has published the definitive analysis.
J Street's "Pro Israel" agenda strikes again.
[Crossposted from JStreetJive.]