
Saturday, July 10, 2010

I usually post a video on Saturday, but here are a bunch of random linky things this week instead:

A whole bunch of flash games, here, some of them quite familiar, like the original Doom.

This mini-golf game kept me going for awhile, and it's a neat advertising concept.

The nail man is amazing.

Holy crap, touchable holograms. I can see where this is going.

Divorce with a twist.

Awwww...a baby duck is feeding the carp.

This is tough, I couldn't get far.

Belly Dance Fail.

I don't care, I'm still buying an iPhone (when my current plan is up).

Touching series of photos.

OK, what are these people doing?

I'm going to make some time to watch this microscopic animation later.

How to carve an awesome pumpkin.

Journey to Mars to scale.

Kitty begs for food.


1 Comment

Just wanted to say that I am enjoying your blog.

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