
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bill Hudak is running against John Tierney for US Congress in Massachusetts.

For real change, vote Hudak.

Hudak, BTW, is excellent and outspoken on Israel-related issues, far better than Tierney, hands down.


And you expected decency from a Democrat, particularly a Mass. Democrat who learn early on in their "careers" (of sucking off of the public) that they are owed a living, therefore justifying their arrogance.

NEVER, ever, vote for a Democrat. Not if you love your country and its founding principles of limited government and lots and lots of personal responsibility. Democrats and their voters are tax consumers; you are the tax provider.

"NEVER, ever, vote for a Democrat. Not if you love your country and its founding principles of limited government and lots and lots of personal responsibility. "

Personally, I'll vote for the best person who will protect the US and its allies.

Right now it looks like I'll be voting leaning strongly towards Republicans. I'm a registered Democrat. Not all Democrats are bad, not all Republicans are good.

To quote the campaign slogan popular when Clinton/Gore ran the first time...

"It's Time For A Change".

I have spoken to Bill Hudak and I believe he is the best man to represent us in Washington. He needs a lot of support, especially financial, to unseat a Democrat who has been in office for 14 years. Many people and organizations are beholden to him which makes unseating him very difficult but as Scott Brown showed us, it can be done. Rep. Tierney has so far refused to have debates with the Republican nominee and that is a travesty. He can go around misrepresenting his record and nobody will challenge him. He has met his match with Bill Hudak

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