Thursday, February 6, 2003
I happened to find myself at this Iranian Blog. He points to another piece of note in Opinion Journal by S. Rob Sobhani, Iranians for Bush:
The Bush Doctrine on Iran seems simple: The U.S. will be a partner in Iran's quest for freedom. To the rulers of Iran, the most alarming part of President Bush's speech were the words, "while they export terror we will export freedom and liberty." This message, more than any other, irks the clerical establishment because it signals that the U.S. will not wait for the mullahs to change their behavior. Rather, change will be thrust upon them.
The people of Iran heard the president the first time when he said after Sept. 11, "You are either with us or against us." Candlelight vigils sprang up across Iran in open defiance of the regime. Now that Mr. Bush has signaled his awareness of the division between the regime and the Iranian people, for a second time since Sept. 11 the people of Iran have responded positively. Increasingly the voices of change inside Iran are drowning out the mullahs' weekly chants of "Death to America."