Monday, February 10, 2003
Bat Yeor on Europe on National Review Online
...For iniquity engulfs those who hate, who kill - and not the hated victim. It is those who hate who are sick: sick from envy; sick from the frustration of having failed to achieve an absolute, pathological domination; sick from a schizophrenic lust for power. To heal these societies one must first diagnose the evil and not mask it under the excuse of "poverty" and "underdevelopment." Terrorism is not a consequence of poverty. Many societies are poor, yet they do not produce an organized criminality of terror. To subsidize societies which nourish ideologies of hate will not suppress terrorism, rather such pusillanimity will reinforce it.
America should not choose European ways: the road back to Munich via appeasement, collaboration, and dhimmitude. For decades at the instigation of France, Europe backed Arafat - the godfather of modern terrorism - as the champion of liberty, and their hero.
Yeor traces some of the roots of the European support for Arafat and other Arab leaders, and gives some of the reasons much of Europe has tied their carts to the much of the Islamo-Fascist machine.
The cracks between Europe and America reveal the divergences between the choice of liberty and the road back to Munich on which the European Union continues to caper to new Arab-Islamic tunes, now called "occupation," "peace and justice," and "immigrants' rights" — themes which were composed for Israel's burial. And for Europe's demise.
Written shortly after 9/11, her words are worth reading again.