
Monday, May 5, 2003

USS Clueless weighs in on "The Roadmap." Well worth reading, of course (as is most of DenBeste's stuff).

[...]Clinton fell for that. Bush won't. But it's going to take a few years for the Palestinians to figure that out, as they keep demanding Phase II and get told that they aren't ready. And in the mean time, the march of larger events will continue to change everything. The fall of Saddam has already cut off a major source of support for the struggle, and the new reality in the region will lead to further reductions from the other Arab nations. And because of that, there will be a decline in attacks against Israel, not because the Palestinians want to give up, and not because of any pretend crackdown.

Ultimately, there won't be peace until the Palestinians collectively want it. Until now they've claimed to want peace, but the only peace they'd actually accept would come through total victory over Israel. It will only be when they want peace more than victory that peace will become possible. I think it will happen, but not because of this roadmap. It will happen as part of our larger effort to try to straighten out the larger problem of Arab failure over the course of the next 30 years. Until then, the roadmap is a useful way to force the Palestinians to begin to implement reforms, and to keep the Europeans and Russians and UN entertained. But will the "roadmap" process actually lead directly to peace? No; not until other larger events help to manipulate the situation to force the Palestinians to give up the struggle. You can't plan peace unless both sides actually want peace, and right now the Palestinians still don't.

I'm with him with crossed fingers. I've been a big admirer of Bush's resolution, and his turning away from failed "State" positions toward newer, more "hawkish" (straightforward) Defense lines of thought. So far, it's represented the only real hope for forward movement in the region.

Am I too cynical? Even after all we've seen of Bush & Co., I'm still worried. I worry that someone in the administration is going to say, "OK, we've made our point, now we can go back to being wishy-washy and appeasing Europe and the Arab Street. Wouldn't want to be seen as being one-sided dontcha know..."

Assuming Bush is for real, it also depends on four more years of him, or someone very much like him. With the election still far away in political terms, that's no sure thing by a long shot.

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