Sunday, June 1, 2003
Another item deserving to be spread from LGF. Visiting American Jewish politicians should start showing up in Europe wearing yellow stars on their sleeves to make our European friends feel more comfortable. After all, that's how they do it there, isn't it?
The European Parliament is hosting an exhibition entitled "The New Doors of Jerusalem: Apartheid Israel".
In a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s International Liaison Director, Dr. Shimon Samuels, noted that, "Not only does the display focus on so-called 'Israeli colonialism', the 'sociocide' of the Palestinian people, 'coerced' land sales to Jewish settlers, it also includes personal attacks on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and features Jews through racial and religious stereotypes."
Samuels continued, "The timing of this exhibition, when Israel has accepted 'the Roadmap' and its Prime Minister has demonstrated his willingness to take immeasurable risks for peace, is politically and morally repugnant." The letter added that "Its display at the seat of the European Parliament impugns the European Union's impartiality and disqualifies its diplomatic role as a partner to the Quartet sponsorship of 'the Roadmap' initiative."
The Center demanded "the immediate removal of this exhibit and the public condemnation and disciplining of whoever authorized it."
For further information, please contact Dr. Samuels at +33.609.77.01.58