Friday, June 13, 2003
Under the heading "Reuters Logic," Best of the Web points to this Reuters item in the Washington Post and says:
The folks in Reuterville seem to think that attacking European Jews is a perfectly logical way of expressing one's disagreement with the policies of the Israeli government. "Belgian police on Friday arrested a man suspected of trying to blow up a synagogue in what could be the latest in a string of anti-Jewish attacks across Europe linked to violence in the Middle East," the "news" service "reports" from Brussels. "Several synagogues and Jewish buildings in European countries were attacked last year after Israel launched a military offensive on the West Bank in March 2002."
Reuters presents no facts, however, to support its inference that the Belgium attack is somehow "linked to violence in the Middle East." It's pure conjecture--or should we say editorializing?
Or is a bit of "the Jews deserve it anyway, so don't get too upset about it. It's not a reflection of a problem in our societies..." Yes, if only the Jews were cease their evil acts, we wouldn't be having these problems here in Europe. Where have we heard this before? The piece seems another data point in the thesis Ron Rosenbaum wrote about here.