
Thursday, June 19, 2003

I meant to mention this the other day. I was reading this item on Martin Kimel's Blog (scroll down to June 17th):

Palestinian Terrorist Supporters to Meet at Rutgers University (hat tip: Joseph Alexander Norland at Israpundit). Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, is to host a conference this coming October organized by New Jersey Solidarity, a pro-Palestinian group that opposes Israel's existence and supports Palestinian "resistance" by "any means necessary." Here's language from their website:
We are opposed to the existence of the apartheid colonial settler state of Israel, as it is based on the racist ideology of Zionism and is an expression of colonialism and imperialism, and we stand for the total liberation of all of historic Palestine. As an anti-racist, anti-imperialist movement, we support equality and justice for all peoples and all religious identities.[emphasis mine]

As a solidarity movement, we are committed to working fully in support of the Palestinian people's resistance movement. We unconditionally support Palestinians' human right to resist occupation and oppression by any means necessary. We are committed to building unity at local, national and international levels in order to provide the international support needed by the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation, and we invite all that share this commitment to join us in struggle.

New Jerseyans who oppose making state facilities available to supporters of terrorists and terrorism should contact Gov. James McGreevey (e-mail address found at and any other state officials they know. McGreevey attempted to effectively strip Amiri Baraka of his poet laureate post several months ago, so he may be willing to work against Rutgers' hosting this conference. Alumni of Rutgers may also consider contacting their alma mater and promising to withhold annual giving contributions if the university goes ahead with its plans.

The part that peaked my interest particularly is in bold italics. It just blows my mind the outright Marxist nonsense these groups espouse, and the Palestinian groups are rife with it. I'd like to know one country on the planet, ONE, that lives up to this Marxist utopian fantasy standard. If they did give us a list of such countries, how much do you want to bet that tops on it would be Cuba and North Korea?

Yet it sounds so innocent and gets every useful idiot in a thousand miles nodding in agreement - after all, who isn't against racism and human rights? And these idiots are willing to approve of blowing up busses in order to get the square peg of their discredited, absurd fantasies to fit into the round hole of the consensual reality the rest of us inhabit.

Well, that's what you get when Arab Nationalism meets the Western influence of decades of Nazi propaganda which meets decades of USSR propaganda (Abu Mazen did his Holocaust-denying PhD. in Moscow) which meets a bunch of busy-body dolts living in New Jersey.

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