
Monday, June 23, 2003

Race consciousness in America just got another shot in the arm. (in Full)

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld the controversial affirmative action policies employed at the University of Michigan's law school that favor minorities.

The decision validates the policy that allows those in admissions offices at the law school to not only take race into consideration, but to weight it more than other factors, such as grade point average and test scores on standardized law school entrance examinations.

Critics of the system said the process mirrored that of a quota system, while supporters say the process adds to a more diverse student body.

The Bush administration even weighed in on the legal process, filing legal briefs in opposition of the policy.

Justices may also weigh in on the school's undergraduate admission policy. The facts in that case are nearly identical to those of the law school case.

Update: James Taranto thinks it might not be that bad.

Update: Andrew Sullivan has a good quote.

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