
Wednesday, June 25, 2003

I've just heard a report on the radio that nuclear production materials have been found buried in a barrel in the backyard of a scientist in Iraq. Smoking gun? Well, it's enough for me, but of course until we find that burried supertanker full of anthrax...

This just illustrates how difficult the whole hunt is.

Haven't seen anything posted on the web, yet.

Update: Here's the story.

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» Dan's Winds of War: 2003-06-26 at the blog Winds of Change.NET

JUNE 26/03: One power-packed briefing of insights, news, and trends from the global War on Terror that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused. Topics include: Connecting the dots?; more Saudi spin; Iran; communiques from al-Qaeda; Che... Read More


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