
Monday, July 28, 2003

OpinionJournal - Michael Moore, Humbug: He's mendacious and obnoxious, so what accounts for his appeal? By Kay S. Hymowitz

Nice, fairly comprehensive run-down on much of what's "wrong" with Michael Moore. I liked this quote:

In fact, there are plenty of indications that Michael Moore is not a compassionate, big-hearted man dedicated to social justice; he just plays one on TV. When asked by a reporter from the Arcata (Calif.) Eye in 2002 why he wasn't speaking at independent bookstores rather than at corporate chains, he exploded in a tirade that revealed his willingness to have his principles--in this case, his distrust of corporate power--take a backseat to his personal vengefulness. "You know in my town the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people that supported all the right-wing groups," he ranted. "They were the Republicans in town, they were in Kiwanis, the Chamber of Commerce--people that kept the town all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing-store salespersons, Jesse the Barber who signed his name three different times on three different petitions to recall me from the school board. F--- all these small businesses--f--- 'em all. Bring in the chains."

That's the real face of the left. We'll support you if you're our kind of black, we won't starve you to death as long as you're our kind of peasant and we support the little guy as long as what he says is deemed to be politically correct.

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