
Thursday, August 14, 2003

Donald Sensing has an entry taking David Hackworth to task a bit for some of his positions - most notably for what seems to be his shameless self-promotion. I find the Hack-bashing interesting (I've heard it before, not just from Sensing and I'm in no position to say whether it's fair or not.), as I read his autobiographical work, About Face, years ago and absolutely loved it. Since then I've always stayed tune when I heard him coming on the TV or radio.

I've heard others with not so complimentary things to say about "Hack," but that's OK, it means he's still interesting and it serves as a reminder - nobody's perfect.

BTW, Sensing's comments have an interesting discussion on a few things, notably the reliability of the M-16 rifle - a debate which never seems to end. Would someone please do a definitive piece on the subject and be done with it already?


> Would someone please do a definitive piece on the subject and be done with it already

The Israelis have warehouses full of AK-47s they picked up for free, but their main infantry rifle is the M-16. I'd say the IDF did the definitive piece, in a medium that speaks louder than words.

Heh, thanks. Serious question, though: No chance of that being a political decision?

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