
Friday, August 15, 2003

Via the Palestinian Media Watch (no link as it's not on the web yet at the time of this posting):

Introduction: Ayyat al-Akhras - a 17 year-old girl - was the youngest child suicide bomber, murdering 2 Israelis in a Jerusalem supermarket on March 29, 2002. The PA has named a children's summer camp in her name. This is the second summer in a row in which a camp was named for Akhras and continues the PA policy of naming summer camps, sporting events and schools, after prominent terrorists.

This naming of a children's summer camp for a teenage terrorist is particularity problematic as it is quite natural for children to see another child being honored as a role model.

The following appeared in yesterday's PA daily.
"Dr. Ahmad al-Yazji, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports attended a graduation ceremony of a summer camp named after the Sahida (Woman who died for Allah) Ayyat Al Akhras. It was organized by the Shabaiba [youth organization] of the Fatah in East Gaza....150 children aged 9-15 participated in the camp...
Al-Yazji stressed the role of the struggle fulfilled by the Palestinian National Liberation Movement “Fatah” and saluted the Shahids (Those who died for Allah), the wounded and the prisoners."
[Al Quds - Aug. 14. 2003]

Need it be pointed out that these are official PA publications and decisions made by officials of the PA, not "private" citizens?

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