
Wednesday, September 10, 2003

JPost: Qurei to take Palestinian prime minister's post

...Qurei has said he would take the position only if the US and Europe pressure Israel to end its policy of attacking terrorists. He also has called for greater coordination with Arafat, whom the US and Israel have been trying to sideline for more than a year...

..."It is possible to establish security on the ground...we can control the situation....but we need cooperation ( from the international community and Israel)," he said.

Qurei blamed Israel for its policy of targeted killings of Palestinian militants, and said the attempt on Hamas Spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was triggering more terror attacks.

Mr. Qurei:

A word of advice. It is essential, sir, that you understand that you have been appointed Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, not Israel, and not the United States of America. This simple idea may seem obvious, but I believe the idea eluded your predecessor, as well as other "leaders" amongst your people.

That means that what little power you have will be over events and individuals in the PA. Every time you talk about what Israel or America "must" do, you are wasting precious time. Please...please, spend your ultimately limited time and energy on the things you have the power to affect.

Repeat after me:

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

and the Wisdom to know the difference."

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