
Sunday, September 28, 2003

OK, so Russia needs the cash and won't stop helping Iran with its nuclear program, nor can we say much about what Russia is doing in Chechnya, BUT overall we share basically the same goals and no one wants to go back to the old days of the USA and the USSR on completely opposite sides of the fence, so the stove is put on the setting below simmer and everyone is being good boys and girls and keeping their hands away from the dials.

Russia Won't End Accord With Iran to Build Reactor

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said today that he would send "a clear but respectful signal to Iran" that it must comply with international inspections of its suspected nuclear weapons program. But he told President Bush that Russia would go forward with its plans to help Iran build a nuclear reactor.

Mr. Putin's statement this morning that he would not terminate Russia's $800 million commercial nuclear contract with Iran came as a brief, and almost cryptic, aside in response to a question at a news conference with Mr. Bush at the presidential retreat at Camp David.

Eager to portray themselves as close partners in a fight against terrorism and proliferation, neither leader dwelled on their differences over support for Iran's nuclear program. They said they had warm and detailed discussions on other topics, including Iraq, the Middle East, Afghanistan and the twin nuclear threats of Iran and North Korea.

But Russia's help to Iran in its main nuclear reactor project has been a continuing source of tension between the two countries. That is true even though Russia has joined in setting an Oct. 31 deadline for Iran to open itself completely to international inspectors, who have found worrisome traces of highly enriched uranium at two sites in the country...

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