
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

It's Apathy Day at Solomonia! That's right, today I just can't seem to get motivated enough to post about anything. Maybe I needed more sleep last night, but damn...everything just seems so friggin' boring today.

It's just like...I don't's bumming me out...the entire Iraq situation and the War on Terror generally seems to be devolving into this ridiculously tedious Democrat/Republican political tug-o-war. Forget the issues. The issues and the truth are totally buried under everyone's spin machines. Everyone's!

The Dems have been trying for months to get political traction on something - anything, and they figure they've got some issues now, no matter how fucked up everything becomes. I mean, they're politicizing the damn Iraqi reconstruction. Nothing like bitching, bitching, bitching about a quagmire and the difficulty of rebuilding, and then doing your best to make it come true. It's beyond's boring! No, I can't explain it, but that's how I feel. Politics as freaking usual, and the voices of reason aren't coming through, and it's just...dull.

And Wilson/Plame...uggg...please wake me up when someone actually *knows* something, and no, I don't mean, "Well, someone told me something but I can't say..." Put up or shut the fuck up. Get the investigation going and let me know the results. Who said what. That's all I want. THEN we can tell what it all means, not before. Novak himself is saying it's more or less non-issue. Wilson is a agenda-driven Bush-hating moonbat. And why is Wilson not being taken to task for irresponsibly pointing the finger at Karl Rove with no backup whatsoever? No wonder there are so many people running around who say the State Department needs a purge.

Roger Simon thinks it's big and could get bigger. After all, the press has invested so much stock in this story with absolutely NOTHING to go blame anyone specific for, they'll have to keep pumping it to protect their stock value and not look like damn fools who wasted everyone's time with something.

Name the names, punish the guilty and let's get on with it! But noooo...everyone's playing politics. They're still mad they didn't get their way in Iraq and they'll do anything to prove they were right about that, too. I mean..the yellowcake, they're still talking about the FRICKIN' YELLOWCAKE! Jebus fucking Christobol! As if anyone believes that Saddam Hussein would NOT have gone after nukes if the sanctions were down and he could have...does anyone believe that? OK, asshole...put...your...hand...down...

We're finding enriched uranium on the equipment in Iran, ffs, and no one dares make a move, so apparently, NO ONE bases any of their decisions on the presence of uranium ANYWHERE. They only care about the yellowcake because of politics - to protect their personal ego stock value!

Like, how about reporting on some of the good news in Iraq? Some of the reconstruction news? That might help in painting the picture the American people need to keep themselves informed and making intelligent decisions...but no, it's politics, stock value and potential brewing scandals (not even brewing, just potentially brewing). Boring!

So what else is going on that usually catches my interest? Israel and terrorism...but there it all is again. Call me when you know something. Any real news on the wall? No. As usual, I'm reading essays on how everyone wants to destroy Israel by various means. What else is new. They've got this Barghouti character on trial, but pfft...I don't care what they say, eventually he'll just be released in a prisoner exchange. Message to Israel - institute the Death Penalty. Oh, and some members of the European Parliament were there to cheer the fucker on. Oh yeah, there's a surprise. Please, someone take charge and do something, so we can at least have someone's, you know, PLAN to criticize.

OK, what else? Let's go over to and take a look at the headlines...We're winning the war in Iraq, Horowitz is running around campaigning for academic freedom, some kids are holding Affirmative Action bake-sales, Elia Kazan died, yes, yes, I know there were real Communists, everyone's complaining about Leftists...hey, it's all good, but there's nothing new here. Blah.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, well, I have it all figured out. That's it. That's why it's all boring me. Call me when there's something INTERESTING going on. In the mean-time, I hereby declare that...I win.

Hmmm...OK, this was supposed to be just a little "sorry for not posting much today" post, but I guess it turned into something of a rant. Sorry 'bout that. Time for more coffee, then maybe I'll be back in the swing.

1 Comment

Geez, what a grouch. Lighten up a little and take a break from all the serious sh*t you're always posting. Put up more stuff like the wiggling butt or more humor.

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