
Monday, October 6, 2003

Read Tony Snow's interview with David Kay here. Kay is bewildered by the spin.

TONY SNOW: Let's take a quick look at some of the headlines from this week characterizing your report. I want to get your reaction to them.

Here we see The New York Times: "No Illicit Arms." The Washington Post: "No Banned Weapons." The Los Angeles Times: "No Illicit Iraqi Arms." USA Today: "No Illegal Weapons."

Is that what you found?

DAVID KAY: Well, we certainly found that — have not yet found illicit arms. But that's not the only thing the report says. In fact, I'm sort of amazed at what was powerful information about both their intent and their actual activities that were not known and were hidden from UN inspectors seems not to have made it to the press. This is information that, had it been available last year, would have been headline news...


I saw Kay interviewed by Stephanopolis (qouting from memory):

Stephanopolis (almost sneering): Why can't the US find 5 tons of WMD?

Kay: Because 5 tons of WMD will fit inside a two car garage.

Heh. Wish I'd seen that.

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