
Monday, October 6, 2003

Roger L. Simon says he'll be holding his nose and voting for Arnold, after all, at least he's awake, while Gerard Van Der Leun plants one right on the chin of a certain California Governor in this colorful piece Preparing for the American Political Priesthood.

...Our sermon for today is "What doth it profit a man to gain the office of dogcatcher or above, if he must bid adieu to his sexuality in late childhood?" It obviously has profited Gray Davis since he has no discernible sexuality whatsoever. Wrath would seem to be his sin, but wrath well hidden. With no photos of his frothing rage or tape of his highly pungent obscenity streams this sin gets a pass by the media. Besides since they really can't put it on the air in family hour, what good would it do? Indeed, the only sexually charged photo ops for Davis involve being seen with proven sexual predators of the Clintonian persuasion to enhance his prospects of clinging to his job. But since neither knows what the meaning of is is, another hall pass is issued by the media...

I'm with them, not that it matters.


It does matter. This is bigger than California as I and many smarter than I have noted in the last few days.

Yeah, that's true. The Arnold phenomenon has become instructive nationwide - moreso as things have developed toward the end of the run. Backlash against entrenched media, backlash against entrenched parties, backlash against being manipulated and patronized.

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