
Monday, October 13, 2003

Roger L. Simon points us on over to a wonderful James Lileks fisking of FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley's editorial going after, who else, John Ashcroft. Do yourself a favor and read it!


Glad you enjoyed. Lileks is one of the best fiskers around.

Lileks is just flatass one of the best wordsmiths around. Whether he is fisking, waxing nostalgic, or describing a game of fetch with Jasper (well of course, everybody should know his dog's name) his bleat is one of my first reads every morning.

Ever since Lileks started whining about feeling persecuted for wanting to say "Merry Christmas," and then requested that nobody get angry about his opinion, I have avoided reading anything by him. My maternal grandparents were truly persecuted, and the idea of him using a Jewish holiday as a "straw man" is just disgustingly offensive. Moreover I think the words Merry Christmas are alive and well in the United States

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