Sunday, November 9, 2003
Silly me, I really thought we were finally moving beyond the era of shouting "racism" without proof or thought. This Globe article expands on the racism angle touched on in the Guardian article below. The thesis: white Jessica Lynch is getting more attention than black Shoshana Johnson, as well as a higher level of disability benefit ergo, ipso facto, it must be racism. One might hope that an article such as this would contain a bit of investigation along with it. What is it about Lynch's story that makes her more interesting to the press? Because she's cuter, and Johnson is fugly? Because she was rescued, and alone, and there's film along with the rescue, and it was announced in dramatic fashion thus focussing everyone's attention on Lynch and because Johnson was simply found, and with others, and there was no film, and it came later in the war and...
And what of the disparity in benefits? Is the ANYTHING offered to explain, in a factual manner, why the difference exists? None, nothing, nada.
As always, calls of racism with no proof offered does nothing to help fight real racism when it rears its head, and everything to hurt the cause.
Soldiers share a story, but only one gets TV movie
Johnson and her family in El Paso, Texas, say they have no proof that the issue is rooted in racism, but they've engaged the Rev. Jesse Jackson to press the Army to increase her disability benefits...