Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Where are the moderate Muslims? This is a guy who President Bush himself appointed and still he can't stop running to the Arab press to trash America and the Administration.
'Bush is a Religious Fundamentalist like Former Colonialists in Muslim Countries'
Question: "What is the truth about the connection between the Islamic organizations in America and the American government, today and in the recent past?"
Prof. Abou Al-Fadl: "Unfortunately, because of shortsightedness and ignorance, the Islamic organizations helped Bush reach the White House. I met with many leaders of these organizations and I told them that I have known Bush well since he was governor of Texas, where I live, and I am familiar with his bad policy, which does not bode well.
"During the election campaign, Bush gave the Islamic leaders a certain status… They lost their equilibrium. They did not listen – not only to me, but also to someone like Ralph Nader, who was a presidential candidate of Arab origin. He met with them and all but pleaded with them not to vote for Bush. He all but kissed their hands so they wouldn't. We told them that he [Bush] is a Christian religious fundamentalist and that the group around him, of the likes of Paul Wolfowitz and others, hold the same beliefs that accompanied colonialism's entrance to the Muslim countries in the 19th century." [...]