
Wednesday, March 3, 2004

I haven't posted much on the Gay Marriage issue, mostly because I still have questions in my own mind on the issue, and I'm sympathetic in some ways to both sides. Basically, it seems to me right that couples who behave as married, and for all intents and purposes are, and therefore do, by their actions respect the institution of marriage ought to be recognized as such by the State. Why not bring them into the tent and have them conform to society's norms (in every way but the obvious), rather than leaving them outside to the chaos of developing their own ways and own society by chance - and thus risk the chance that it may develope in a direction that leaves it something incapable of getting in the tent door when we do decide to allow them in? This seems to me to have arguments in its favor that are good for the state and a stable society.

On the other hand, I am not willing to dismiss out of hand out of simple bigotry the concerns of those social conservatives who believe that we may be rushing too quickly and too completely down this path, nor am I completely comfortable with the way it is in large part occuring - by judicial fiat. Bad things can happen when social changes are mandated too quickly, completely and inorganically from on high. Christopher Hitchens finds a decent enough reason to support gay marriage - it'll bug the crap out of the fanatics.

OpinionJournal - The Married State - One good thing about gay nuptials: It'd drive the mullahs mad

...I share many of the misgivings that are expressed about opportunistic grandstanding by judges or mayors, but surely this problem, and not sexuality, ought to be the province of constitutional law. The Texas sodomy statute, for example, should have been struck down or repealed not as a "rights" or "equal protection" matter, but because it was an attempt to instate the teachings of a book that not all of us regard as holy, and to make an establishment of religion. Nothing can possibly violate the letter and spirit of the Constitution more than that.

When I become bored or irritated by the gay marriage battle--and I do, I sometimes do--I like to picture the writhing faces and hoarse yells of the mullahs and the fanatics. Godless hedonistic America, not content with allowing divorce and pornography, has taken from us our holy Taliban and our upright Saddam. It sends Jews and unveiled female soldiers to our lands, and soon unnatural brotherhood will be in the armed forces of the infidels. And now the godless have an election where all they discuss is the weddings of men to men and women to women! And then I relax, and smile, and ask my neighbors over, to repay the many drinks and kind gestures that I owe them.

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