
Sunday, March 21, 2004

Long overdue news just in from CNN! No link yet. Stay tuned.

"-- Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin has been killed in an apparent Israeli attack on his car, Palestinian sources tell CNN."

Update: Yup, lots of links over at LGF (where else). Let me note for the uninitiated that this is an individual for whom one need have absolutely no sympathy, and that's all I'll say about that.

Charles: "I predict the mother of all car swarms." Heh.

Update: Powerline says "As a result of the operation Hamas now vows "to wage war, war, war on the sons of Zion." Before the attack did they only vow to wage "war, war" on the sons of Zionl?" and has some links.

Meryl also has some links and relatively restrained reaction, but that doesn't stop her from collecting song lyrics.

Tacitus: "In retaliation for Yassin's deserved end, they're going to move from an exterminationist war on Israel to....what? An exterminationist war on Israel?"

The Rottweiler: "Great! At least they struck before they could get into a car this time. Cars are expensive, you know."

Right Thinking: "Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Anwar Sadat was assassinated. That terrorist scumbag got blown up. Good riddance."

Belmont Club: "Fully knowing that it cannot strike with much effect at the IDF, Hamas may now be tempted to hit at Europe and through them to pressure Israel. Why not? It worked in Madrid..."

dejafoo here, here and here: "Oh, He Was In A Wheelchair - Oh, Our Bad"

Banagor: "Saruman in Hell"

Kathy Kinsley: "I'm sure that if there is a hell, it's gates were opened... to let "Sheik Ahmed Yassin" in..."

Israellycool: "Mood in Israel - We are in high spirits..."

Smooth Stone: "Hamas founder reaps what he sows. And this is a problem because?"

Jihad Watch: "They'll open the gates of hell? What have they been doing up to now?" Spencer has the transcript of a report from Austrialian media. And at Dhimmi Watch, Jack Straw outrageously condemns the killing.

Roger L. Simon: "Good Marksmanship!"

David Bernstein: "...Under Yassin's leadership, Hamas has been responsible for the murder of hundreds of Israelis, and the wounding and maiming of hundreds more..."

Lynn B.: "You'll find no tears or apologies for his passing here."

More at LGF: The morally confused BBC with Sheikh Yassin: Life in pictures. And the world reactions in condemnation of the killing. Reprehensible moral cowardice. Charles:

Does anyone believe these people are really mourning the death of this filthy monster? No; I think the real reason for these statements is pure and simple fear.

And I certainly don’t recall anything close to a similar level of outrage and condemnation the last time Hamas blew up a bus full of Israeli schoolchildren, or bombed an ice cream parlor full of kids and their parents, or committed mass murder at a Passover dinner.

But then, to the Eurabians, those things don’t count as “extra-judicial killings.”

I see reactions like this and it’s very hard to avoid coming to the conclusion that there is something deeply, deeply wrong in the soul of Europe.


Allison says: ..."The overall support for the Yassin assasination, though not always enthusiastic, is nearly unanimous, notably among those centrists to center-lefties like myself, who would have opposed such a move vehemently until a very short time ago..."


Michael J. Totten: "...Only the enemies of civilization will miss him..."

Mick Hartley: "...Justice may have been done, but I don't believe that this has made Israel safer. Nor has it made it any easier for those of us who support Israel to argue its case in future."

Oliver Kamm: "...Any responsible government has the right, indeed the duty, to protect its citizens rather than place its faith in agreements and negotiations that are manifestly not respected by its interlocutors..."


Fantastic news. First headline I saw this morning. Really made my day.
Now get your arse over to you-know-where and slap some of those appeasing pro-Palestinians down ;)

Oh boy, you really want to kill me don't you? Sorry, man, my blood-pressure wouldn't be able to take it. If I had more the ability to make a post and then ignore the thread it might be OK, but I can't help coming back...then it goes on and on...add on the feeling of swimming alone against the tide (not exactly true, but that was often the feeling)...yuck.

Sorry man, but I'm neither as informed nor as eloquent as you :)

Ha! Hey, no guilt trips intended.

Hey, informed or eloquent be damned, I'm going for it !!!

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