Tuesday, March 23, 2004
...for this paean to Ahmed Yassin published in, where else, The Guardian. (Via LGF)
And while we're at it, James Taranto points out CAIR's condemnation of the old monster's destruction. For a group that's supposed to be selling Islam as a religion of peace, they certainly are more than willing to take ownership of the old murderer.
We condemn this violation of international law as an act of state terrorism by Ariel Sharon's out-of-control government. Israel's extra-judicial killing of an Islamic religious leader can only serve to perpetuate the cycle of violence throughout the region. The international community must now take concrete steps to help protect the Palestinian people against such wanton Israeli violence.
Taranto points to aspects of The Covenant of Hamas and asks, "Is Islamist terrorism a perversion of a great and peaceful religion? We hope so, but CAIR, by bestowing on Yassin the status of "an Islamic religious leader," seems to reject this view."