
Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Jason Van Steenwyk, an Iraq vet, puts his knowledge to use in judging that the editors at The Progressive who published Barbara Ehrenreich's article, Bush's Odd Warfare State.

Well, now we know there are no veterans working at The Progressive, or somebody could have caught this godawful piece of reporting.

I was hoping for better, because Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of the excellent "Nickeled And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America," has actually done a lot of worthwhile reporting about the daily struggles of America's working class.

But let's take a closer look at the article.

Headline: Bush's Odd Warfare State.

Here's one way our President proposes to "support our troops": According to his 2005 budget, the extra pay our soldiers receive for serving in combat zones--about $150 a month--will no longer count against their food stamp eligibility.

It's never good to blow a fact in the very first sentence of a piece...

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