
Thursday, April 8, 2004

Not only do I "not think it means what they think it means," but this plan sounds like it has an awfull lot of conditions you know are just ripe for excuse-making.

Ha'aretz: Palestinian plan says no to attacks on civilians

The Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad leaderships in Gaza have prepared a draft "National Plan" that "emphasizes the right to use violence to oppose the occupation and the settlements, while avoiding turning civilians from either side into targets for attack."

The document, which summarizes the outcome of meetings between Abdel Aziz Rantisi of Hamas, Ahmed Halas of Fatah, and representatives from the Islamic Jihad and other, smaller armed political factions, is regarded as a basis for negotiations between the PA and all the armed factions for a mutually agreed leadership to control Gaza after Israel withdraws...

..."The forces support acceptance of security and administrative responsibility by the PA in evacuated territories in the context of `an agreed national plan,' but they vehemently oppose, and warn against, any attempt to pay Israel for the withdrawal or to turn [the withdrawal] into an alternative to the fulfillment of Israel's international obligations, or granting false legitimacy to the separation fence, or to the annexation or expansion of Israel's presence in the West Bank, or avoiding full withdrawal from all the territories occupied in 1967."

According to the document, the Palestinians won't cease their armed struggle after the withdrawal. "Any unilateral withdrawal won't bring about stability so long as it is not part of an overall process of ending the occupation and evacuating the settlements," says the paper...

Well, I guess all your asses will be open to being blown up for awhile then, eh?

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