
Sunday, April 11, 2004

And it's time to get the yard in shape. I just spent the fourth (or is it fifth?) day in a row scraping away at my lawn and beds with a rake. Pine needles and dead grass require a bit of elbow grease as I comb my spread with all the abandon of a hair-dresser with a client who wants his dreadlocks straightened. Innumerable trips to the woods out back to dump the debris (Word of advice to new home-owners: A wheel barrow is important - get the kind that's a little larger and deeper than you think you need.). My body is not used to this, but it's satisfying to look at once it's done. Then it's on with the Scotts Step 1, some lime and gypsum (I need more) and a bit of red mulch in strategic areas (I need more).

Happy Easter.

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