
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Interesting article on the sponsorship by Hezbollah of terrorist activity against Israelis and their takeover of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Noteworthy is the fact that Hezbollah's raison d'etre was "resistance" to Israel's occupation of southern Lebanon - an occupation that has long-since ended while Hezbollah's terrorism, sponsored by Iran and Syria, has not.

Yahoo! News - AP: Hezbollah Sponsors Anti-Israel Attacks

...One cell in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus gets at least $1,000 a month for ammunition and cellular telephone calling cards, the militant said. When the group plans to carry out an attack, Hezbollah gives it $10,000 to $15,000.

Hezbollah audits the cells, rewarding those that kill large numbers of Israelis with more money for the next attack, militants said. Hezbollah only pays the militants, not the families of suicide bombers as deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) once did.

Recently, Fatah has tried to regain control of Al Aqsa. Former Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas began paying militants a few hundred shekels a month not to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians, said Abdel Fattah Hamayel, a Fatah lawmaker who acts as a liaison to Al Aqsa. About 4.5 shekels make a dollar.

While many Al Aqsa members have taken up the offer, some of the most militant cells rejected the deal and turned to Hezbollah instead, Hamayel said.

"They take funds from abroad and they are still carrying out attacks, and we are in contact with them, trying to get them to stop this outside funding and outside orders," he said.

Many Al Aqsa militants are furious with Fatah and feel let down by its leaders. Abu Mujahed called them "a disgrace."

"Fatah is not supporting the Al Aqsa Brigades," he said. "Without other support, we would not have survived so far."

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