
Sunday, April 11, 2004

A call for moderation and forward thinking (barring the usual rhetoric) from an unlikely source.

Arab News: Time for Vision, Not Vengeance by Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

...In my view, Palestinians today are that much closer to liberating all of their country and not just the Gaza strip, with the world acknowledging their rights and their state. We must not let this potentially historic moment slip away with military clashes in Gaza that will only prolong Israeli defiance when Palestinian interests are best served by a pullout.

Sharon doesn’t want to withdraw from Gaza defeated in the eyes of his people, and therefore he will use every available instrument to project heroism ahead of the withdrawal of his defeated troops. This validates the assassination of the sheikh. Sharon will not hesitate to carry out other such “heroic” actions.

The goal is Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, not revenge for the killing of the sheikh or his predecessors. They where fighters, and in wars there are always casualties. The best way of avenging them is to achieve what they fought for — the liberation of the Occupied Territories.

Comments made by some of Hamas’ leadership confirm the clarity of their vision. As Abdelaziz Al-Rantissi said, if the Israelis cease their war and occupation we too will stop. Another, Khaled Mishal, said that the organization would not target foreigners despite their support of Israel.

“An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind”, and wars are not won by the blind.

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