
Monday, April 12, 2004

While the fifth column Left is wringing their hands with barely concealed glee at the bumpy road in Iraq, our military leadership is finally showing some signs of life. Let's watch where this leads.

JPost: Abizaid: Syria, Iran involved in Iraq

Syria and Iran are involved in Iraq, and their involvement is not meant to assist the US-led Coalition there, Gen. John Abizaid, head of U.S. Central Command said Monday.

Speaking to reporters in Washington via video-link from Baghdad, Abizaid said there were signs that Iran's involvement is not designed to assist US efforts in Iraq.

Abizaid made the same claim against Syrian involvement in Iraq.

"We know the Iranians have been meddling, and it's unhelpful to have neighboring countries meddling in the affairs of Iraq," US Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said last Wednesday.

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