
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Filtering the news. Two differing takes on what may be the same event?

Iraq the Model:

...The American troops are now surrounding Al-Mustansiriyah University with armored vehicles and tanks; they announced through loud speakers that they have recognized a group of students who are supporting Muqtada. During searching the university, the troops found guns, ammunition and some documents from Muqtada in which he gave orders to his followers to kill the science department's dean, here I remembered one of my friends -who's a student there- told me about a month ago about troubles in the university between Al-Sadr supporters and the dean, the dean complained from their behavior as they covered the walls with their posters and slogans. They also started to disturb the students and even prohibited the students from attending their lectures. At that time, they threatened the dean saying that if he would continue being "anti Islam" they would have him kicked out of the university and hurt...

Healing Iraq:

Arab satellite channels reported today that Al-Mustansiriyah university was under siege by US troops. We have a neighbour who is a professor there, so as expected we raced to his house when we had heard about it. We congratulated him for his safety, but he looked significantly surprised and asked us what was up? We told him about the siege. He chuckled at us and said "Oh, you mean that". It turned out there was no siege at all, there was an American patrol in the vicinity of the university, and they had witnessed someone climbing on the clock tower trying to paste a large poster of Muqtada Al-Sadr. The patrol called for backup, entered the campus and hollered for the fellow to come down. They teared the poster and removed a few others close to the university's main entry gates. According to our friend, the whole process didn't take any more than 20 minutes. Just to show how the Arab media conveniently distort events.

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