Thursday, April 29, 2004
David Kaspar has a translation from the German press that is as welcome as a tall, cool drink of water. Here's a little snip, but read it all. It's not long and worth your time.
Davids Medienkritik: A Sensational Article in a German Paper... And It's Even Pro-Bush!
The illusion that the aggressor can be soothed by good behavior reminds of 1936: Had the Allies not waited, negotiated, formed pacts and maneuvered back then and instead intervened, than millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, millions of soldiers, millions of people who thought differently could have been saved.
We are the ones who think differently. Maybe we need more toughness and vigilance to secure our democracy. Maybe it is wrong that Germany has refused to join the coalition of the willing. Maybe Israel is one of our most important allies. Maybe we should help this ally and not give them advice. Maybe America is doing more right than we think. Maybe more people in Iraq are better off today than they were one year ago. Maybe George Bush is not as stupid and evil, maybe one day, looking back on the developments that have just begun – we might even be thankful to him because he was one of the few who acted in accordance with the maxim: These things must be nipped in the bud. (A phrase often used in Germany to refer to stopping the re-emergence of Nazism.)...
can we Germans not understandthe the motivation of president bush or the american people .we have always waited for someone else to take care of our problem ,Irak is also a German problem in Jears to come .o k america take care of it while we sit back and kritizeise and watch. Elfriede