Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Marvelous Den Beste on the three deep philosophical thought streams at play in the world of politics and the War on Terrorism. Long. Worth reading. Yes, it's yet another take on the differences between Europe and the USA, but this time from a little higher altitude. Here's a little taste.
At one point I referred to this side as "Arab Traditionalism", but that was never a very satisfactory label. Some have called it "Islamofascism", but these days the term I'm most comfortable with (which is to say, not very) is "Islamism". One of the reasons I'm uncomfortable even with that label is that Islamism is not congruent to Islam. There are millions of Muslims who are not part of it. There are many Muslims who are strong supporters of one of the other sides, and some of those who do support it are not devout Muslims. Even so, of the three sides this one is easiest to perceive and characterize; they're all cloudy and indistinct, but this is the least indistinct.
Of the three sides, Islamism as a political force appeared the most recently, within the last 150 years.
The other two sides are derived from Western philosophical roots. For them I've had to invent my own names: "p-idealism" and "empiricism"...