Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Well, Michell Malkin (who we - the royal 'we' - are pleased to find has linked to this blog. Thanks again.) uses a more direct terminology.
In today’s column, Paul Krugman of the New York Times argues that John Ashcroft is the worst attorney general in U.S. history. He states:
First, there's the absence of any major successful prosecutions. The one set of convictions that seemed fairly significant — that of the "Detroit 3" — appears to be collapsing over accusations of prosecutorial misconduct.
This echoes a similar allegation in a May 11 column, where Krugman wrote:
After two and a half years, during which he arrested and secretly detained more than a thousand people, Mr. Ashcroft has yet to convict any actual terrorists.[...]
She then goes on to list some of those successful prosecutions...a whole bunch of them.