
Monday, August 9, 2004

My adrenaline gets flowing just reading this. Check out Citizen Smash's Protest Warrior adventures against the Code Pink Menace. You won't read anything like this in your morning paper. (via Dean's World)

Citizen Smash - The Indepundit: Operation PINK OUT


CodePINK was so threatened by the presence of five men and one woman two weeks ago that they had to call for reinforcements. Forget that they had 20+ people with them at that time. Forget that they outnumbered us. Forget that we merely handed out rebuttal to their accusations (our blue slips to their "pink slips for Bush") and spoke with them - calmly, rationally, and did nothing but counter their opinions with our own.

Gotta love that they considered that sexist and intimidating.

We'll have photos up soon and you'll be welcome to them!

Ooh! I can't wait. The whole "Pink" part just isn't the same without photos!

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