
Saturday, August 21, 2004

So I'm browsing at the local Cambridge SoundWorks, checking out the big-screen TV's. I finish up, thank the salesman and head for the door - no dice, it's a deluge out there, and the parking lot is a river. Funny, cause yesterday there was a big, rogue storm that plowed through here. I was in my office two towns over and never lost sight of the sun, but when I got home I noticed the streets were wet and my wife told me it had been the biggest electrical storm she had ever been in. A couple of stores a few blocks away even got struck by lightning and burned down.

So anyway, I hang at the store for a few minutes, finally figure the worst is over and off I go in my '98 Saturn SL2 sedan. 103K miles and counting. Man, it sits low.

Coming out of the strip-mall parking lot, I stop at the lights just in front of one of those giant "where's the bottom" puddles. Uh oh. A pickup truck goes zooming through and kicks up a tsunami and speed-boat wake. "When the light turns green, this is gonna get interesting." No backing out, there's traffic behind me.

Green light.

Ease on the accellerator. I move forward and into the lake...start plowing forward through the water...front of car continues to aim down...

Moving forward. Water level getting very high now! At grill level for sure!

Water is now washing over the hood at a few inches depth and breaking off the windshield!

Emerging now...hissing sound can be heard. Car still moving forward!

Yes! Engine running...I'm in the clear and only two blocks from home.

Adrenaline hits. Pat dashboard.

Thank you, Saturn.

Pffft...we don't need no stinking SUV.

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