Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Here is a statement from an American Islamic group that deserves some attention. Bunker Mulligan: Statement of the Islamic Society of Southern Texas. It is a condemnation of terrorism without any "buts" attached.
Bunker has asked for feedback that he might forward on to the authors, and the first comment brings some of my first thoughts out ("Do you denounce the killing of all civilians, everywhere, INCLUDING Israel?" etc...). I would like to trumpet this statement as very important, but experience has shown that a little more probing of the depth of the sentiment might not be out of order. Still, where else do you start except for here?
Thanks for the link. I hope this will spur some dialog which will move the Muslim community in this country to be American as well as Muslim. I look forward to any questions readers may have for my to present to these gentlemen.
Readers can also email questions if they care to stay out of the direct line of fire.