Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Will this help quash the cynical scare tactic being propagated by Democrats that a Bush re-election may bring with it a secret plan to re-institute the draft? Maybe, but maybe not, as there was no rational basis for sucha belief in the first place - the only proposal for bringing back a draft being sponsored by Democrats (the one just voted down) in the first place. - House overwhelmingly stomps out bill that would've reinstated draft:
The bill, introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., had little support and no chance of passing. The Republican-controlled House held the vote to make sure it was defeated during a close presidential race in which talk of a draft has run rampant. The vote was 402-2...
In a textbook example of chutzpah, bill sponsor Charles Rangel complained that his insincere, politically motivated bill was only being brought to a vote for...political reasons - and then promptly voted against it.
I didn't mean it! Run for your lives from my bill!!