Friday, October 15, 2004
I can't imagine anyone complaining about Sinclair Broadcasting's airing of Stolen Honor after watching this virtual John Kerry BJ I've come home to in the form of a Frontline "documentary" (not to mention the rest of the MSM slant, of course) comparing and contrasting the careers of Kerry and Bush. The Kerry portrayal is utterly uncritical - even fawning, while the Bush side of the story is rather more...nuanced. Ah well, I suppose it doesn't matter much, as the fate of the average PBS viewer is rather decided at this point.
It's been a damn long day. I had some merchandise I needed to pick up to satisfy a couple of customers with deadlines of...tomorrow. Procuring the right truck - which took about two hours of phone calls to get straight - was 90% of the stress, then add around 8 hours on the road...yuck.