Friday, October 29, 2004
The Presbyterian Church USA leadership has distanced themselves from the remarks made by some of their number during a trip to visit Hezbollah. See this entry for background. Their response on this issue, at least, is...creditable (was that diplomatic enough?), although they are still for economic sanctions against Israel. (see here for the original entry)
ADL: Presbyterian Leaders Say Meeting with Hezbollah was "Misguided"
As a church, and as individuals, we know at the core of our souls that terrorism, especially terrorism against civilians, is one clear source of the lack of peace in the Middle East. Even when we identify and condemn the occupation as another key source of violence and lack of peace, we in no way condone the terrorism of groups such as Hezbollah, or of individuals or other actors in the region. Terrorism in all of its forms is morally abhorrent and completely inexcusable in our eyes.
Our prayer is for the following. First, that you will continue to work with us to create avenues of communication for that dialogue. Second, that we will find a way to communicate directly about this matter rather than confining ourselves only to what is being communicated through the media. Third, that we as a denomination will find ways to continue our insistence that we side both with Palestinian victims of the occupation and its violence, and with Israeli and Jewish victims of violence and terrorism...
Strong start. Weak end.