Wednesday, November 3, 2004
...but a victory nonetheless. Listen to me, first I'm down in the dumps because it looks like I'll have to be looking at "First Lady" Teresa for the next four years, now the President is reelected with a convincing majority in both the popular and the electoral votes and it's still not enough. Well, I admit I did hope that the President would have had an even larger victory, but I suppose we'll just have to work on getting the message out even better for the next candidate. In spite of the massive efforts of the MSM and company against him (I'm also very interested in seeing how many of the reports of voter fraud end up having substance), the victory is big enough that we don't even have to worry about any court nonsense.
It will be very, very interesting to see how the vote broke down. I already understand that the entire "Rock the Vote" business was a failure. I'd like to know how the Jewish vote ended up shaking up.
Thankfully, I also understand Kerry will be conceding defeat at around 1pm today. He should have been out on the stage in front of his supporters last night - even if he wasn't ready to concede, it would have been just common courtesy to all those people who came out to see and support him.
Time for some serious soul-searching on the part of a whole lot of people - the MSM, the Coastal Elites (fat chance)...the Democratic Party is pulling out the shivs on each other even as I type. "Who's idea was it to put Jimmy Carter and Michael Moore up in the balcony at the Convention?"
Update: Oh yeah:

It came down to morals. The religious right came out strong for the President.
More than that, though. I don't think you get numbers like this if it's just about the "Religious Right." ...though that helped in providing a base (unlike when they've stayed away in previous elections).
It will be really interesting to see all the demographic polling numbers.